發表於:2007/7/5 0:33

我學緊廣東話 , 所以想買有粵語字幕 DVDs
就係話有咁樣ge港式字 ... 乜, 冇, 佢, 係, 俾, 靚, 叻, 呃, 咁, 咩, 哂, 唔, ... 等等

我已經搵到如下DVDs :

* DVD with removable Canto subs:
五虎將之決裂 (鉅星版) "The Tigers" (Mega Star Collection) DVD-563
驚天12小時 (鉅星版) "The Last Blood" (Mega Star Collection) DVD-560
赤裸羔羊 "Naked Killer" Mei Ah DVD-039
玫瑰,玫瑰我愛你 "Rose,Rose I love you" Universe DVD-6638
新英雄本色 "Return to a better tomorrow" Universe DVD-5536
最佳男朋友 "Perfect match" Universe DVD-5301
安娜瑪德蓮娜 "Anna Magdalena" Universe DVD-5051
龍的傳人 "Legend of the dragon" Universe DVD-5104
整蠱專家 "Tricky brains" Mei Ah DVD-007
超級學校霸王 "Future cops" Universe DVD-5027
太極張三豐 "The Tai-Chi Master" Universe DVD-5017
方世玉 "Fong Sai-Yuk I" Universe DVD-5006
方世玉續集 "Fong Sai-Yuk II" Universe DVD-5007
終極強姦–獸性誘惑 "Crime of beast" Universe DVD-5904
綁架門口狗 "Barking dogs never bite" (korean movie) Universe DVD-6034
大佬鬥和尚 "Hi Dharma" (korean movie) Universe DVD-6186

* DVD or VCD with burnt-in Canto subs:
籠民 "Cageman" Mei Ah VCD-2455
家有囍事 "All's well end's well" WideSight WSDVD1158
花田囍事 "All's well end's well, too" WideSight WSDVD1271
大富之家 "It's a Wonderful Life" WideSight WSDVD1225
逃學威龍(三)之龍過雞年 "Fight back to school III" Mei Ah DVD-005
鹿鼎記(一) "Royal Tramp I" Mei Ah DVD-124
鹿鼎記(二) "Royal Tramp II" Mei Ah DVD-125

* a DVD or VCD version with Canto subs exist but don't know distributor
and item number:
古惑仔2之猛龍過江 "Young and dangerous II"
古惑仔3之隻手遮天 "Young and dangerous III"
逃學威龍(一) "Fight back to school I"
逃學威龍(二) "Fight back to school II"
黑俠(一) "Black Mask I"
不道德的禮物 "I'm your Birthday Cake"
金枝玉葉 "He's a Woman, She's a Man"
月亮 星星 太陽 "Moon, Stars & Sun"
西遊記 第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒 "A Chinese Odyssey I - Pandora's box" Mei
西遊記 大結局之仙履奇緣 "A Chinese Odyssey II - Cinderella" Mei Ah
神奇兩女俠 "Two Wonder Women"
雀聖 "Kung Fu Mahjong"
嘩啦嘩啦漂流記 "Raining Cats and Frogs" (French cartoon)
我的野蠻女友 "My Sassy Girl" (korean movie)
茅躉王 "The Foul King" (korean movie)
我老婆係大佬(一) "My Wife Is A Gangster I" (korean movie)
我老婆係大佬(二) "My Wife Is A Gangster II , The Legend Returns" (korean
吾妻16歲 "My Little Bride" (korean movie)
九星報喜 "Ninth Happiness"
賭聖(二)之街頭賭聖 "The Saint Of Gamblers"
賭俠(二)之上海灘賭聖 "God of Gamblers II, Back to Shanghai"
九二黑玫瑰對黑玫瑰 "92 Black Rose Vs. Black Rose" or "92 Legendary La Rose
歲月風雲之上海皇帝 "Lord of East China Sea"
急凍奇俠 "The Iceman Cometh"
絕代雙驕 "Handsome Siblings"
新天龍八部之天山童姥 "Dragon Chronicles, The Maidens from Heavenly Mountains"
黃飛鴻之鐵雞鬥蜈蚣 "Last Hero in China"

有冇其它 DVDs 提供港式字幕呢 ??? ...尤其係港產片
請畀我知影片ge中文名, 發行商 (寰宇, 美亞, ...) 與 DVD 影碟編號 ... 唔該晒先! 

( 問題係隻隻DVD封面都係噉樣寫ge... 字幕: 中文(繁體) , 中文(簡體) , 英文
但都唔知邊隻DVD版有港式字幕 ?! )

yyb   離線
發表於:2007/7/5 19:49

tower3a的回答會比較專業 也清楚


發表於:2007/7/5 20:17

其實, 聽講周爺嘅舊版DVDs有港式字喔?!! 


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